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 Post subject: New to scripting. Does anyone know the best way to learn.
PostPosted: October 1st, 2005, 10:38 pm 

Joined: May 21st, 2005, 4:04 am
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I'm New to scripting. Does anyone know the best way to learn. 8)

I need to start from the bottom up and there are alot things I could

accomplish If I understood opus scripting language.

Keep in mind that I don't know anything about programming and I

need to start from the bottom.

Thanks ! :)


 Post subject:
PostPosted: October 1st, 2005, 11:55 pm 

Joined: November 11th, 2004, 1:18 pm
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I don't want to pretend to be an expert at Opus Script: I'm not. But over the past year or so, I've progressively learned how to use it to achieve some nice effects. So, I suggest it will take time and patience, plenty of trial and error and support from the DW team and Forum colleagues who are more expert.

Everyone has a different learning style. I've found hands on practice most helpful. I started with some easy scripts, helped by the Opus Script help files: you can set up sample pubs and copy/paste script examples, modifying these with your object's names (hint: no spaces between letters/numbers so, for example, Text 1 is renamed to Text1). The script editor will let you know about script errors.

You can also search the Forum for other script examples, plus the DW team and Forum members have been generous in sharing scripting solutions for specific tasks. Seeing how these work and extrapolating syntax and rules from these helps.

Check the Opus Script help file's reference list and syntax sections. I also purchased an older JavaScript (JS) Sam's guide since Opus Script uses ECMA-262 script based on an older version of JS. It's a nice reference to have, but so far I have rarely used it.

Keep in mind that many actions that can be scripted can also be set up with pre-scripted Opus actions. While it may be helpful to learning scripting, my time constraints encourage using the pre-set action whenever possible. So, for example, you can script writing a registry key and value or you can use the pre-set action in Opus. However, if you need to write a registry key with a different path than the preset one, then only scripting will achieve this result.

I believe others will add their suggestions.

Best of luck in your learning adventure. The reward is being capable of more versatility in creating projects. Enjoy!

Kind Regards,

 Post subject:
PostPosted: October 2nd, 2005, 12:28 am 

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Thanks Stephen.

I'll keep those thoughts in mind. :wink:


 Post subject:
PostPosted: October 2nd, 2005, 2:19 am 

Joined: November 3rd, 2004, 2:11 pm
Posts: 323
Get a book on JavaScript and work through it. Once you've gotten pretty good with it and understand it, you will be able to transfer all/most of that knowledge to OpusScript as it is very similar to JavaScript.

You may also want to not cross post. One place should be sufficient to gain an answer. :wink:

Opus Pro XE 9.1 Win7 64-bit Core i3 8MB RAM

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: October 2nd, 2005, 3:48 am 

Joined: October 26th, 2004, 1:26 pm
Posts: 262
Hello Mr S.?

The replies to you from former responses are good advice. I personally learnt OpusScript from the easier eaxmples on the HELP file, to graudually the more advanced ones. You will learn better from working examples, but a lot of it will be experimenting yourself. You will need time and patience. You will also get help from DW's excellent support team on the forum. OpusScript guru experts like Chris Jones and Paul Gresham, will blow you away with what can be done with script. :)

However, for a very basic head-to-head sample of the GUI actions compared to script actions, check out the simple attached IMP I have done for you. Page 1 is the same as Page 2.

The purpose of the IMP is not to show you 'how' to approach things, but moreover a simple demonstration purely just so you to compare script to the GUI interface, as both pages do exactly the same.

Hope this Helps. :D

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: October 10th, 2005, 1:42 pm 

Joined: October 10th, 2005, 11:39 am
Posts: 5
I played with Opus Script on an evaluation version long before I needed Java Script. Keep it easy on yourself, think of trivial examples like play a piece of music, show/hide objects - that way - you get accustomed to the syntax without getting bogged down in a lot of the more technical stuff that is there. It's the same old story "don't try running before you can walk" - but in a few days you'll be feeling happy with it I'm sure. I'm just re-learning

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