1 - Yes, we've found that some large corporations do not have flash installed, and will not allow it.
In those instances what we've learned is that:
- Although the "office" computers don't have flash, there's normally a multimedia pc in a boardroom or conference room that does have it
- Sometimes the user just has to approach their IT department and ask
- Worst case, most people have a pc at home... if they're interested, they'll look there.
2 - There are example scripts on the internet to help you do this. Start by searching the knowledge section of the Macromedia site. Sorry not to be more helpful here... we've tried all sorts of bits of script to get people to install flash, but, as multimedia/web developers we've decided that if they can't get flash, they don't want our services either!
3 - Macromedia's statistics say that "Macromedia Flash content reaches 97.7% of Internet viewers". See here :
http://www.macromedia.com/software/play ... ashplayer/