<< "but could you not group together the sharp and blunt ends of the pencil within a frame, enable the 'Ignore transparent area' option in the properties of the frame, then use this frame as the collision object?" >>
Hi Robin,
Hope Ray does not mind me taking the liberty to jump in here...
I can vouch for knowing about this issue quite well. See the combined attached screenshot, of what I found had to be selected in the Objects Collision Enter.
Two vectors were placed in the Frame (as you'll see from the screenshot). The problem was that the Frame had to be selected also, and this meant the frame triggered the collision action. (not desirable) If the just the 'tip' of the pencil was selected (re: screenshot) it would NOT activate the collision enter trigger.
Now tonight... I assigned "ignore transparent area" of the Frame -- tried again... same problem of the Frame triggering the collision. I then unchecked the tick box, and it suddenly all worked as expected!
Now for the idiosyncracy... I went back and unchecked on the frame "ignore transparent area" and things still work as we hoped. I then toggled on and off in the testing the Frame checkbox for the collision. What is extremely baffling is now this is working. I can assure you there was no program/assignment error on my part before. It seems once things got working, it seemed to flush out whatever was causing things not to work as expected before. Very strange...
UPDATE EDIT: Now it's decided not to work! I had to redo all the above again *with* the Frame collsion enter to get things working. I have this glitch saved in an IMP, to prove it's not any medication I'm on.
I can supply this IMP file privately at your request with Ray's permission.