I have noticed a very similar problem with post web data on pubs that I have been working on. Let me try to explain:
I have a die-rolling simulation that picks a random number between 1 and 20 and writes that die roll to a MySQL database using php.
What I notice is that about 20% of the time when the variable is to be written to the database via an UPDATE or an INSERT, the query does not take place. As a result I built a result check in my script that checks to see if the UPDATE has taken place and send that back to Opus so it can advance to the next action. here is my script I'm using to accomplish this in PHP:
$sk_d20_roll = $HTTP_POST_VARS['sk_d20_roll'];
$activetable = "sk_t"."$sk_table_database"."_gamestart";
//This will store the d20 die roll to the database
if($sk_action == "roll_for_first"){
$query = "UPDATE $activetable SET roll_for_first = '$sk_d20_roll' WHERE user = '$sk_username'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
// This lets Opus know that the data was set
if($result){ print"&sk_datasentver=verified";
print"&sk_datasentver=not verified";
What is supposed to happen is the &sk_datasentver=not verified should go back to Opus when for some reason the UPDATE doesn't happen. But, when I monitor the variable in OPUS, the sk_datasentver AND the UPDATE doesn't take place, I get nothing! No &sk_datasentver=not verified and no number stored in the database.
Also in Opus, I was using the sk_datasentver=not verified to loop through a POST WEB DATA action 3 more times to see if it will post the second or third time. Each iteration after the first non-UPDATE will also show NO UPDATE to database nor will sk_datasentver equal verified or not verified (it remains blank), however my sk_counter1 does increment. that tells me that the post action is not being successful every time. Here is the actions tied into my die:
Another important observation!
I notice that my post web data will not WORK AT ALL unless I go into the Internet Explorer Internet Options and change the "Temporary Internet Files" >"Settings..." to "Every Visit to the page". "Automatically" just flat out does not work.
Please, there has to be something going on with the post web data action "hanging" and not letting subsequent Post actions that update or insert to a database. This software is just about perfect and a joy to use, but this issue is an extremely important one to me and others as well.
Thank You for your time!