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 Post subject: Synchronise end
PostPosted: August 19th, 2008, 5:38 pm 

Joined: August 19th, 2008, 5:25 pm
Posts: 34
Location: UK, Brighton
Opus: v7.06 Pro
OS: Windows 7 64
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I have an initial page which basically loops around. The text scales in and out. What I want to happen is that once the user presses the mouse button the text while scales out whilst fading and then switches to page 2. How do I do this because at the moment what happens is that the text does scale out and fades but keeps going for the full fading time rather than switching once the scale has completed. So in other words it is synchronising to the end of the wrong object.

 Post subject: Simple solution
PostPosted: August 19th, 2008, 9:45 pm 

Joined: October 25th, 2004, 2:20 pm
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Spellfast --

PLEASE go into your Profile (top of this page) and under your Signature, include what version of OPUS/Creator you are using plus info on your computer.

On your first Page, go to Action and create a Trigger of Left Mouse Click. Under that place an Action of Hide the Text Object which is scaling in/out. Make sure you set the On Hide for that Text Object to be a simple Fade Out. Immediately after the Hide, add an Action of Go To Page Forward.

When you do a Left Mouse Click, OPUS will Fade out your Text Object and then Go to the next Page.

I will know you appreciated this help IF I see you modified your Profile Signature.

Fred Harms, Extraordinary Demos
Naperville, Illinois (USA) 630/904-3636

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 Post subject: Animations and Actions
PostPosted: August 20th, 2008, 3:17 pm 

Joined: August 19th, 2008, 5:25 pm
Posts: 34
Location: UK, Brighton
Opus: v7.06 Pro
OS: Windows 7 64
System: AMD and ATI video
Thanks for the reply, have amended signature as suggested. If I want my animation on my text object to repeat is this possible or must it be done via an action. Also which takes precedence - a objects properties or actions?? Also does it matter whether you attach actions to objects or to the page??


Opus Pro v7.06

 Post subject: Properties vs Actions
PostPosted: August 20th, 2008, 4:09 pm 

Joined: October 25th, 2004, 2:20 pm
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Location: Naperville, Illinois (USA)
Opus: 7.05
OS: Win XP SP3
System: P4 3.2GHz 1GB RAM 2-TB HDs + 4 more
Spellfast --

In the sample Pub I built to test/prove what I suggested to you, I created a Text Object and insert some text, then I went to its Actions and made a Trigger of Synchronize to "On Show" with an Animation of "Scale Horizontal/Vertical". I selected my Text Object, then set the Horizontal percent to 150 as well as the Vertical to 150. I set the "Duration" to 3 seconds, the "Repeat" to continuously, and the "At End" to Return. This causes the effect (grow to 150% then return to original 100% size) to repeat an unlimited number of times.

When someone does a Left Mouse Click on the Page, that Trigger causes the Text Object to Hide by doing a Simple Fade which is what I set in its Properties, at the end of which the Page advances to the next Page. This Action stops the Text Object from changing size while it fades out before going to the next Page.

As a good programming/development rule, you should NOT make any Object try to do opposite things. The Actions will probably over-ride a Property, for example, if you have a Property Scroll Page Transition for an Object's "On Hide" you can over-ride that using an Action of "Hide" while setting "This Transition" to a Fade Simple with a different Transition length (right side bottom of the Actions window).

It absolutely matters on which Object or Page you set your Triggers. If I used the Text Object instead of the Page in this example, then what I want to happen will ONLY happen IF I do a Left Mouse Click directly on the Text Object. My understanding of your question was that you wanted the viewer to be able to click ANYWHERE on the Page to make the Text Object fade, then advance to the next Page. If that's incorrect, you'll have to inform the viewer with specific instructions of how to advance.

Fred Harms, Extraordinary Demos
Naperville, Illinois (USA) 630/904-3636

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