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 Post subject: Variables cant be found after publication
PostPosted: January 17th, 2010, 5:48 am 

Joined: April 5th, 2008, 2:41 pm
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Opus: Opus Pro Edition 9.51
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er... ( and this is so embarassing! ) .....HELP!

I cant get my head around this issue - I cant makse sense of what Im OVBIOUSLY doing wrong.

I've created a program that reads and writes variables - for example a name and a price. ( all good so far in the creation stage ) - but when I publish?- the data I have saved is not loading WITH the publication.

it seems to read fine when published and is running on the machine that I wrote it on - but when I make a copy and put the program on another machine... nothing!

At first I thought - fine, its a new install, so ther will be no data (yet) - so I typed it all in..and it ran properly ( I even checked the data was being writen to the right locations ) and yes, indeed it was.....but wnen I turned the PC off and re loaded the program....its gone again.

Im at a " wierd" stage right now wit hit though - Ive PUBLISHED the project directly to a memory stick - and it runs on another PC.....but without that data!

I feel so damned frustrated! - I am so damned close! ( obviously its a migration issue of some type - and what kept "fooling me" was no matter where on my developement PC I published it to - it ran fine.....but a different machine? - new ball-game.

Please help! - Im really confused. how do I get a publication to read from ANY machine its copied on to? - Ive used the "ini" file option but I cant make it work independently.

many many thanks. :oops: :oops:

Acer Aspire V touch
Opus Pro 9.51

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: January 17th, 2010, 7:54 am 

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Hello Viper,

Without the code or the imp file I can't analyze what's goïng wrong.
I've made some publications using reading and writing to files without problems.

I also don't know which Opus version you are using.
Add this information to your signature.

Please share the code you're using or the imp file and probably I or someone else will be able to help you.

Oscar Nijst
ON Education & Consultancy
Hengelo, The Netherlands
OPUS Pro 9.5
Pentium 7i, 16GB RAM, 1 TB HD, DVD-RW (+/-), DV, 3TB EHD, 3D monitor without glasses

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PostPosted: January 17th, 2010, 10:07 am 
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Hi V,

As I explained, it sounds like the paths have been hard coded into the read / write file action.

This means that although the program has been designed and tested from E: drive the machine you've moved to is running from a different location and the publication can't the required files.

I'd guess that it works with the memory stick in because it's been mounted as drive E: (?).

Anyway, you need to specify a dynamic path such as SYSTEM_PUBLICATION_DIR. See the attached example for reference.

BTW, it will be good practice if this program is running on Vista / W7 to use the program data directory for variables. This is straightforward in Opus 7.

Hope this helps,


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