Hi BillyBob
Welcome back - the latest version of Opus has a lot of brilliant features - well worth the upgrade in my opinion.
In saying that, I'm not sure which version of Opus you are using.
Going by your post, it is an older version as you say. (This is probably a useless sentence but I left it in just in case any of my old English teachers drop by
Just going through your publication - you have a multi-trigger property on page 1 that shows the page.
Being page 1, unless the page is hidden, it will show anyway so remove the multi-triggers. They are not needed.
Looking at Frame 1, you have an action of "press any key to show" but your heading already shows anyway.
Your frame and text are already hidden so you can't assign a show it action by pressing any key - because it is hidden and as such has no active functionality.
To get your frame and text to show, create another frame around the entire page - don't hide this frame - the user won't see it. Now assign a keypress return action to the new unhidden frame that on anykey press shows your hidden frame and test.
Fixed file is attached however I can't guarantee it will open using whatever your version of Opus is.
If you can, update your details to advise forum members what your os and Opus version is.
Hope this helps
It will work now.