BillyBob wrote:
My system is: i7 laptop with Windows 7
I hope you can give me some hints about what I am trying to accomplish. Very exciting!
You should update your profile w/ Opus and system info -- so it appears in any future posts.
As for 'hints', well that is tough to 'answer' -- one answer is just to play with simple constructs and try different things. Explore.
1) how do I get the individual text items (sentences) to show up one by one?
Shall I put each sentence on a page? Hence: Page 1: sentence 1, page 2: sentence 2 (or sentence 1 + sentence 2), page 3: sentence 3 and so on?
Shall the text be in frames?
As Mackavi said, there are so many ways to accomplish a thing.
One of the factors in play here is 'how much material' you will have and 'how will you want to maintain and update it'. For example, an easy approach is to have several sentences (10, 20, more?) on an Opus Page and revealed as User progresses. Then more on another Page and so on. However, as the publication gets 'large', maintenance of the content can become cumbersome.
Then if you turn to entering and maintaining your sentences in external files or a database, you might gain an advantage of ease in maintenance but you increase the difficulty and complexity of coordinating that with other presentation elements (i.e., context, controls, and images). So it becomes a matter of choice based upon your own level of skill and your own preferences as to how you like to approach things.
As a starting point, I suggest using a standard text object to display the sentence for the user. Look in the Opus Help file for: Using the Text Tool
Opus action for
file management allows you to read individual
lines from an
external file. That gives you the option to control what is displayed, while making updating/maintenance somewhat easier.