Davinor wrote:
Hi Folks,
I am trying to create a hit counter for a small website that has been created in opus pro.
I have created a custom variable that increments by one whenever the front page accessed. However when I move from P1 to P2 and then back to P1 it goes up.
I only need it to increment up the first time the page is accessed and am going nuts trying to sort it out.
Any ideas, tips?
Hi David, go to Bravenet.com and you can obtain a free hit counter. At the end of your registration (Free) you'll be given a choice to create a hit counter (plus many other goodies). You follow the steps for the hit counter and at the end the'll give you a java code that you insert in your index.htm page where your opus pub is embedded.
All you have to do is inserted after the last line of code related to the Opus Publication between the "body" tags.
Anyway, go there, then post the html code of your index.htm and I'll tell you exactly where to insert your bravenet hit counter. Remember, you will have to post your html code + the java code bravenet gives you and then I'll insert it for you.
After I do that all you have to do is open your index.htm using your windows "notepad", select all the then paste the code I'll post for you. THen just "save" the index.htm you open with notepad and upload the index.htm again.