Opus pro4.5 XE
Clicked into a piece of text on a button, went to Quickbuild> Text> Insert Characters and selected an arrow from wingdings. No problem.
Except that every page of the app now shows a complete sheet of wingdings in a fetching white. Rather spoils the effect I'm trying to create!
Fortunately I saved the 'wingding' app under a different name. Reloaded it, and yes - there are the wingdings on every page!
EDIT: What's happened is that every piece of text in the app has been converted to windings!! AND the app that I thought was safe
Went to Tools> Options> Default font and reclicked on Comic Sans 12 and everythings turns to a font that looks nothing like Comic Sans. The button text that casued the problem is fine
I don't dare open the other five parallel apps I'm working on in case the same happens.
Any suggestions as to why, and solutions, greatfully received.