im not sure how to make this:
I want to make a publication with around 200 pages (cards), all with the same style, but there is a image and a a couple of text boxes that change in every card.
Perhaps its ok to use a database but i want some hyperlinks and style changes on the text.
If i use an Access table to store the text fields and the image name:
-How can i put the hyperlinks in the text field? is there any tag like HTML to set an hyperlink or bold text, etc? (so, when i read the text from the access record, the text shows the hyperlinks and style changes correctly).
-How can i put the database inside the .exe file on the final publish? (i can not found the way to put it into, and the publish proccess always gives me a database out of the publication)
If i dont use a database:
Is there any way to create the 200 pages so Opus automatically takes the text and the image from a directory from a database or from a directory ?(.rtf texts and jpg images with consecutive numbers as their names)
Whats the best/easiest way to make this kind of application?