benoit wrote:
some question about export to video with opus04 XE :
1) if you have an mpeg1 (or avi) in your page, Is this mpeg export too, with the other object. ?
Unfortunately not. You can't have video in your publication and export it to video.
2) can you export in avi only a page, a chapter... at a time ?
No, you'd have to divide up your publication. It'll export from the start until it hits an exit action.
3) can you export in avi a publication that you control with the mouse. If yes, can you see the cursor in the final avi ?
in fact does the "export to avi" work the same way that a screen capture work ??
You can use the mouse recording feature of XE to record your mouse moves, and then when you export to AVI it'll reproduce those movements. In the AVI export publish options you can choose whether to include the cursor or not. So you can use export to AVI in the same way as you would a screen capture.
The big difference between this feature and using a screen capture, is that because Opus is doing it itself, the publication runs at the right speed to ensure perfect capture, whereas a capture program might well struggle to keep up with the publication and give inconsistent results.