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 Post subject: Image Chooser
PostPosted: June 6th, 2010, 11:35 am 

Joined: April 11th, 2005, 2:31 pm
Posts: 122
Location: Edinburgh
Other teachers on this forum will recognise the phrase "It's not fair!", which usually follows a decision that the pupils disagree with. I wrote the attached program to make the choosing of who hands out the scissors, takes the note to the office or cleans the paint trays, completely impartial.

It makes use of the excellent File Browser DLL from Interaktiv to read the contents of a folder of images, putting the file location and file names into an array. The program then simply cycles through the array, displaying the images until the stop button is pressed. Great for an interactive whiteboard where the pupils themselves can press the buttons, make the choice and leave the teacher absolved of any accusation of favouritism. :D

Due to the file size constraints for this forum I have had to upload 3 separate files. Just unzip them and put them all in the same folder. I've also had to compress the executable file far more than I would like to keep within the 2MB limit so the graphics aren't quite as good as I would like.

Attachments: [132 KiB]
Downloaded 2988 times [1.88 MiB]
Downloaded 3305 times [30.07 KiB]
Downloaded 2944 times

Windows 7 Ultimate (32 bit)
Opus Pro 6.4, Opus 7
Dual Core Athlon 64 4000+
4 gb Ram

For this message David has been thanked by : mackavi
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