Hi Sentosa,
1. I agree with you and DemoFred, I would rather see more features in Opus than an Opus newsletter. The reason I bought Opus over possible alternative products was it's ease of use.
2. This forum is a wealth of info. I always do a search before posting.
As I have already mentioned in a previous wish, I wished that all regular posters of good answers (not questions) get rewarded by DW in terms of free upgrades or similar compensation. I feel that this forum and contributors like you are one of the best marketing resources that DW has.
3. Perhaps instead of a newletter, this forum could have a section for "good examples" or "newsletter", these would have to be pre-approved by DW, before posted, to make it easier for novices like me to learn from.
Sometimes the search engine does not reveal all, as often the first keyword is critical. Do a forum search on "ini" and see what results you get.
I am sure that there are many posts on INI files, but I get no results.
The DW help files often concentrate on a specific example, that may not answer a novices question. I also learn a lot from doing google searches on specific topics, but this does not always help as these are often related to C languages, or Javascript 1.5 examples, etc.
I am not trying to shortcut my learning experience here, as a novice to any type of programming.
Ok, I once wrote (in 1995) a 400 line DOS batch file...but this was condemned by a programmer, who said that he could achieve the same result in less than 10 lines in Pascal.
I try not to post questions that I have not tried to research first.
PS: From your contributions to this forum, I think you are being modest , and if you don't consider yourself "an expert" in Opus , in my mind you are a valued contributor to this forum. MVC?