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 Post subject: Image in scrolling text.
PostPosted: April 2nd, 2008, 10:59 am 

Joined: April 2nd, 2008, 10:36 am
Posts: 2
Hi all
Using Opus Pro v6
How can an image be added to a text box that has a scoll bar, so that the image will scroll with the text.
In my way of thinking I am trying to embed the image in the text.......!!
Tried help and various ways to do this.
At the moment I am using "collision enter and exit" hotspot on the scroll bar thumb to activate the images in the correct place, however with this method the section containing the images has to be at the top or bttom of the scrolling text box.
can you help

Opus user for 5 years.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: April 2nd, 2008, 11:27 am 

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Lay out your images and text in any combination you like but place them on a frame large enough to contain them even if that's too large for the page.

Then insert this frame into another frame which is the size of the viewport you want. Initially the original content frame will be constrained to the new size but if you select the frame resize handles and hold down the Ctrl key you can resize it outside the container frame to it's original size.

Add a scrollbar to the container frame and you can scroll the content frame within the container frame.

Hope this makes sense and I am interpreting what you need correctly.


Managing Director
Digital Workshop

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PostPosted: April 2nd, 2008, 1:51 pm 

Joined: April 2nd, 2008, 10:36 am
Posts: 2
Hi Paul
Thanks, it worked
I had to fiddle about with the frames a bit to get it right and guess where the images are placed as 2/3 of the text is off the canvas and can`t be seen.
You may think it would have been easer to add a couple of pages, but I wanted this section of the publication to have an edge and not just be a page turner.
I have also added a video for good measure. It looks good


For this message Tony Daniels has been thanked by : mackavi

 Post subject: fun things to ALSO try...
PostPosted: April 23rd, 2008, 4:50 pm 

Joined: April 5th, 2008, 2:41 pm
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Now that you have your pics inside your frame, Im guessing you have also put a scrolbar in place to move the pics up and down.

I got a couple of nifty little tricks I use to make things a little "different" which can be the difference between the usual "expected" demonstration -or something really outstanding. - and these are not really all
that difficult either.

1: have you ever considered the possibility of 2 mouse-over buttons instead of the scrolbar? - mouse-over one, and the pics move up, and visa-versa.

2: Or how about extending your "internal frame" by adding a 3rd one and have your pics move up and down slowly by using the bounce up/down option. - you know, like those scrolling advertisement posters you see on the streets everywhere - its effective, and eye catching because it involves sudden movement - which the brain is trained to instantly focus on. ( its an instinct from way back in the caveman days).

We all have it in our DNA to watch out for danger - ever wondered WHY little kids seem hypnotised in shopping centres with stores that have flashing lights, and their mothers cant budge them?- well, now you know!

3:Another favourite of mine ( since you spoke of movies ) - is to not only allow the pics an movies to slide up and down, but by using the mouse-over option again, you can have the movie play as long as the pointer is over the movie, and instantly stop, pause, or stop and reset when the pointer leaves the movie frame.

For those out there that want to do something REALLY different, Ive been able to combine a series of photographs into a panorama, then instead of going up and down, I use the same concept to go left to right across my screen. - but! there's a twist!....

At any point within the panorama, I set hidden hot zones! - for example, over a window, or a doorway, or even a lightswitch if I want. - then if the user clicks apon that door ( or hot zone ) then the actions can be endless! - like taking a virtual tour of a building using stills - and opus to steer the user along, or play a sound, or even switch off a light. ( in the panorama pic of course! lol! )

Just a few thoughts Id like to share that worked well for me.
- cheers all

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: April 23rd, 2008, 6:23 pm 

Joined: November 3rd, 2004, 2:22 pm
Posts: 54
Location: Kent, Ohio, USA
Those are some great ideas for using scrolling frames.

I have one I like to use that involves scaling and collision detection.

I set up a series of images to scroll inside a frame like we have been talking about. In the center I create a transparent frame. On each of the images I set a Collision Enter trigger with a target of the transparent frame that starts a scale to enlarge the image. (I found it best to start with an image that has been scaled down and scale it up to 100% to help stop the image from degrading when it gets bigger) Then I also set a Collision Leave trigger on each image with the transparent frame as target to bring it back to the original size. Can be a pretty cool effect.

You can use something similar to enlarge and shrink the items with a mouse over to simulate the app dock that exists in some OS.

Tom Hutchins
The Davey Institute
Kent, OH

Opus ProXE 5.5
Windows XP SP2

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: April 23rd, 2008, 8:41 pm 

Joined: November 12th, 2005, 1:56 am
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Want surprise?
Put an image in a Frame.
On PreShow() set animation to Roll -90 or +90.
With some Mouseover (a hotspot?), Roll it back to 0 over 1-2 secs.
('Spin' is similar horizontally)

On MouseExit, move and scale-down the frame to different positions around the page.

_good things come to those who wait(0)_

For this message Lar_123 has been thanked by : mackavi

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