Thanks Robin,
That works fine - however!
When I trialled this app at a local school, they pointed out the following problem.
There are twelve different apps, that could be in use with two or three different year groups with maybe two classes in each year group. Within each class there might be two or more children with the same first name.
All <usernames> will be saved to the same area on the hard drive <system_publication_dir>. It would quickly become confusing as to which student was picking up which file unless this was regularised. Hence I've added a <bookname> two letter code for each book/app. There is also a <classname> to filter it further, and then the child's name <username>.
The final <username> being, <username> + <bookname> + <classname>, in which is held the <userpagename> at which the book/app was exited.
Of course, if the class teacher doesn't get his/her act together there could still be cases of files being overwritten for children with the same name. But there is a limit as to how far we can intervene.
I had thought that would be achieved by adding <username> = <username> + <bookname> + <classname> into the 'Begin_Text' script and the same username would be picked up in the exit code?