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 Post subject: Really basic, really vexing, really need help...
PostPosted: February 8th, 2005, 3:29 pm 
I am not attaching an example as this should be really basic. I have a timeline (Timeline1) that begins on SHOW. User has a certain amount of time to respond hitting Button1 before X happens. On Button1, Timeline 1 stops, Timeline two starts.

-start Timeline1
-on Button1 down
-stop timeline1
-start timeline2
That's the logic. Problem is that it simply doesn't work. Timeline one keeps on running, and Timeline2 doesn't start.

I'll post an example if required, but I assume I am simply making some logical error. I've not used timelines before, but need a bunch of them in this pub.

Best regards,

 Post subject:
PostPosted: February 8th, 2005, 3:50 pm 

Joined: October 25th, 2004, 12:32 pm
Posts: 397
Location: Digital Workshop
Try disabling the 'Auto Start' setting in the properties of the timeline. By default, all timelines start as soon as the page is displayed, but if you disable this Auto Start option, you should be able to trigger the timeline later in the publication.

If this does not solve the problem, please feel free to attach a small example of the problematic page for us to take a look at or send your publication .imp file to



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 Post subject:
PostPosted: February 8th, 2005, 4:07 pm 

Joined: October 25th, 2004, 12:32 pm
Posts: 397
Location: Digital Workshop
Here is a simple working example of a button having to be pressed within 3 seconds else a second time line will be trigered. You wil need to have SR4 installed to use this example.

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 Post subject: Example for Brendon
PostPosted: February 8th, 2005, 4:13 pm 
I checked for auto start. All off. Got to be a simple logic error here, but it eludes me. I want to stop one timeline with a button click and start another.

No resources, of course, as I am assuming you can locate the issue from the file.

Let me know if you need anything else.


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 Post subject: Brenden: SR4, Example
PostPosted: February 8th, 2005, 4:25 pm 
Hope my example doesn't overwrite your example. Sorry, wasn't thinking when I named it.

Just downloaded and installed SR4...I did not know there was one. Thanks, a couple of my pet peeves solved.

However, not this one. I don't see any difference you your example logic and mine, except mine isn't working.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: February 8th, 2005, 5:06 pm 

Joined: October 25th, 2004, 12:27 pm
Posts: 526
Location: Digital Workshop

Thank you for your reply.

The timeline named Stop Timeline 1 has a Start Timeline action at the 1.00 second mark, but this action does not appear to have a timeline associated with it. Try specifying the timeline which should be stopped and see if this resolves the problem.

I would also recommend a different naming scheme for your timelines as trying to apply a Start Timeline action to an object named Stop Timeline and vice versa is very, very confusing.

I hope this helps. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further queries.

Kind regards,

Robin Garrett
Digital Workshop Technical Support

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 Post subject: Robin...
PostPosted: February 8th, 2005, 5:19 pm 
Thanks. I know you guys are getting the end of your day, and I appreciate your help. Your response time is outstanding.

I removed the "Start timeline." You will find this hard to believe, but it is a bit counter-intuitive. I assumed it had to be there to start the timeline. Now, I can see logically it is not.

However, it didn't help. When I start the page, I'ved attempted to stop the sound in the middle of playback by hitting the "STOP" button, which is supposed to immediately stop timeline1 (the confusingly named "Stop Timeline1"...just poor coincidence here) and start another. I deleted the start the second timeline command just to keep it simple and try to get the first one to stop. It just plays right on through to the equivalent in this pub of the "you failed to press stop in 3 seconds" of your example.

Best regards,

 Post subject:
PostPosted: February 8th, 2005, 5:21 pm 

Joined: October 25th, 2004, 12:32 pm
Posts: 397
Location: Digital Workshop
There are a few problems that mean this page would never function corretly. I have modified your page to work correctly. The main problem is that you have a time line on the DNMF button set to Auto Run so as soon as your page is displayed a time line is started (STOP WO) that will always go to the explosion page after 10 seconds regardless of what the other buttons are doing. I have set Timeline 1 to Auto Start and if the Stop button is pressed it stops time line 1 and starts time line 2. Both time lines had actions at the start saying start time line but no time line was specified so i have deleted these actions. Also at the end of the time line you have a stop time line action, as the page is about to go forward to another page the time lines will automaticaly stop so I have removed the stop actions to simplify things.

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 Post subject: Example
PostPosted: February 8th, 2005, 5:23 pm 
Thanks Brenden. I'll review the code you sent. I thought (yeah, I know that is always a problem) I'd disposed of all the other things to get down to this one issue. Obviously not.

I'll let you know how it turns out.

I really, really, appreciate you guys and your patience.

Best regards,

 Post subject:
PostPosted: February 8th, 2005, 5:46 pm 

Joined: November 11th, 2004, 1:43 pm
Posts: 172
Location: Buckinghamshire, UK
In 4.3....

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 Post subject: Brenden Edit
PostPosted: February 8th, 2005, 5:49 pm 
Hmmm. There was something of a red herring in the code for me. I couldn't tell if it was different or not until I dropped another "gotopage" action in front of the explosion to occur if the user pressed STOP. Then, I could see that the stop button was working. It was.

Here is the red herring: I thought that the wav file should be interrupted if I hit the stop button in the middle of it as I had the "Wait for sound to finish..." option unchecked. So, when I heard it continue to play, I assumed it was not working.

I MAY be achieving adequate clarity to work this out now. Let's hope so...

Best regards,

 Post subject: Re: Brenden Edit
PostPosted: February 13th, 2005, 11:38 pm 

Joined: October 25th, 2004, 12:27 pm
Posts: 526
Location: Digital Workshop
DMallette wrote:
Here is the red herring: I thought that the wav file should be interrupted if I hit the stop button in the middle of it as I had the "Wait for sound to finish..." option unchecked. So, when I heard it continue to play, I assumed it was not working.

Once the timeline has triggered the Play Sound action, the only thing that will stop the sound from playing is a 'Stop Wave Sound' action. The "Wait for sound to finish..." option simply prevents any subsequent actions on that level of the timeline from taking place until the audio file has finished.

Hope this helps,

Robin Garrett
Digital Workshop Technical Support

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