Looked at your attached .imp Pub.
Observations: - You have permissions or password protection on certain elements, that makes it a little annoying to review and help -- but okay I'll work with it anyway. - This pub has many errors and several inconsistencies.
-- for some OnShow >>> chng polygon fill, you have not selected an object to apply colour to -- on textboxes object, you test ir_ya is EQ oa, but oa is not set-up as a variable. Why not? What are you going to do with this? -- you use variable ir_ya at times, and at other times you use iralscore as a variable, but iralscore is not set-up as a Page Variable. Why not? Specifically, that "variable" is not called out or identified as the variable to evalutate in the actions dialogue for drop1, drop2, drop3 actions -- so becomes a broken step. -- on f2 object, you test iralscore is EQ uuu, but uuu is not set-up as a variable nor does it have a value. Why not?
-- whenever you have condition as not-dropped, you add 0 to score incorrect (SCORE_INCORRECT). So it does not change anything, and you never use it anyway. Future use??? -- initially NO OBJECTS are ever hidden (except that individual Frames in a Multiframe do show later) and all objects at Page-level show once -- at first display of the one Page. For example, object named 'text boxes' with its OnShow trigger will execute immediately and only once.
You accumulate a tally in SCORE_CORRECT --- but the text box objects to display it are never shown. You have those in a Frame within Multiframe, and it is never shown for 2 reasons: The test condition is on the MultiFrame1's OnShow trigger and that only happens once when page is initially loaded. Second, the test condition is not true, so it will not advance to the Frame named 'score'. To test this for yourself easily, temporarily add a Button object with an action to go-to End-frame in Multiframe1 -- i.e., answer your quiz and then manually show the text boxes with scores.
(I copied the 'score' object to top level of the Page, and I disabled Permissions since I also had trouble with the text in that text box. ) FINALLY, I typed in a word and a space in front of the Inserted Variable <SCORE_CORRECT> -- and got it to show the score when Previewed. I am not sure why this part was so difficult, maybe something was corrupted... ???
I suggest pencil and paper as a way to check your logic and flow of steps, test conditions. But in the end, it was just a small 'gotcha' around not ever showing the score text box (and whatever issue with permissions or inserted-variable not displaying).
_________________ _good things come to those who wait(0)_
For this message Lar_123 has been thanked by : mackavi