Thanks for your help, i understood the concept but failed miserably to get my polygon to change to the required colour (kept getting errors) i managed to create 3 text input boxes, one for red called RED, one for green called GREEN, one for blue called BLUE. i can enter the desired value in each box, i have created a button called RGB i choose variable for change polygon fill, variable named RGB_INPUT i added a script to give to RGB_INPUT the values for my RED, GREEN and BLUE boxes but have been getting repeatedly some syntax errors. i attach my .imp file created in opus 7. i use to background to test dyslexic children vision, they respond sometimes to a very narrow colour range and can read better under those conditions. later i will have to design the background colour to change according to HSL values either by data entry or better by using 3 bars that will allow me to change one value at a time. this is to mimic an instrument costing few thousands dollars. jean-pierre
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