I have been working with Andy via e-mail to resolve this problem.
The example video publications which come supplied with Opus Pro 04 and Opus Pro XE 04 use script functions to determine the current position of the video and move an on-screen blob to the correct position on the scrub bar. This blob can also be dragged by the user to seek through the video.
When the page is displayed, the script object momentarily plays the video to determine its total length, then issues a Video.Stop() action. It is this Stop action which is causing any
Synchronise to End triggers on the page to respond prematurely.
As the script functions know the total length (stored in a variable named
vidSecs) and current position of the video (stored in a variable named
vidPosSecs), it is relatively easy to add some If statements to the existing functions to detemine when the end of the video has been reached. For example:
if (vidPosSecs >= vidSecs) {
GoToPage("target page")
Another non-script solution is to place a small frame at the end of the video scrub bar which detects collision with the 'blob'. If collision is detected, the end of the video has been reached and the required Go To Page action can take place.
Kind regards,