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 Post subject: Not sure of a script
PostPosted: November 12th, 2004, 5:52 pm 

Joined: November 3rd, 2004, 11:08 am
Posts: 14
i have written a function but im not sure if it works because it seems to be working sometimes, and sometimes not...

var temptile = detailfav1
detailfav1 = eval("SYSTEM_PUBLICATION_DIR"+"+temptile"+"")

Is this a correct way?

For this message DeMoN has been thanked by : mackavi

 Post subject:
PostPosted: November 12th, 2004, 7:38 pm 

Joined: November 11th, 2004, 4:05 am
Posts: 636
Location: Christchurch, NZ
Hi ,
Problem is probably the eval statement-- a simple example of usage would have helped :-)
I will assume you want a path out of the eval statement.

no forward slashes to indicate the path rom "SYSTEM_PUBLICATION_DIR" to "temptile"
why is the last set of quotes added to the end of the eval statement?
why an extra + attached to temptile between the quotes ?

I am presuming this is a script action attached to an object, not a script object because you have used the keyword "this" in "this.SetImage"?

If you had posted a small 1 page pub that indicates what you are trying to do, you would have got it back working, and I would have spent less time looking at it.
Understanding what you are trying to achieve makes it much easier for anyone to offer relevant advice.

This might be correct using the limited information I have::

var temptile = detailfav1
detailfav1 = eval("SYSTEM_PUBLICATION_DIR\\"+"temptile")
} // end inner if
} // end outer if


For this message Paul has been thanked by : mackavi

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