to be able to edit / delete records (using scripting)
How well do you know SQL? What is your skill level, comfort level with scripting (ECMA/opusscript)?
Let me try to help a bit, but really I would ask you post your current question
fresh over in the Advanced section. Good to add a note and link at the end of this thread so people can jump over there to. This will keep the Tutorial area clean, and maybe the Mods can move this thread too.
So one little 'gotcha' in Opusscript that sometimes bites me in the ass. Just when I think some coding I wrote is fairly simple and direct -- and should work, but does not -- I find I have used a variable where a numerical value is expected by the command or function, but the contents of the variable is a string value e.g. 1, 2, 34. And there is a related situation where I add what I think are numbers
var mytest = var1 + var2 + var3 ;
however with the numbers above as an example, I get concatenation result: 1234 rather than a sum: 37.
The solution to these nuances is twofold.
1) use Debug.trace( "Here is the result of my addition: " + mytest +"\n")
In other words, monitor results as various points of progress. You actually need to be clever to check whether you have a string or a number value.
2) add extra code to force a variable to be a numeric value.
//exaggerated example:
var mytest = parseInt(var1) + parseInt(var2) + parseInt(var3) ;
You'll have to Search
delete record
edit record
...and see what Threads pop up. Others here may readily recall where the desired script is, but I myself do not work with Access or Excel through Opus.
I'll continue to try to help, but please do bring your Profile up and follow other posting guidelines.