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 Post subject: mysql
PostPosted: June 1st, 2016, 11:21 am 

Joined: January 23rd, 2006, 2:57 pm
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Location: Belfast
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Hi Folks

I'm looking to select the total number of records(return a number) using the below with label 'all' linked to an opus variable in post web data. Any thoughts why it does not work. Cheers.

//connect to MySQL database
@mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");

$connect = mysql_connect("localhost",$user,$password);
$db = mysql_select_db($database,$connect);
$query = "SELECT * FROM weather1";
$result = mysql_query($query, $connect);

$row = mysqli_fetch_all($result);
$data = $row['all'];
echo $data

For this message paulj has been thanked by : mackavi

 Post subject: Re: mysql
PostPosted: June 4th, 2016, 11:49 am 
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Joined: March 21st, 2007, 10:44 am
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For starters, you appear to be mixing mySQL and mySQLi. You should only be using the latter.

I've posted a detailed working script already, though the whole post is also worth reading.


Some key points:

1. Build the script in steps and check that each works.
2. Make use of browser and console to check PHP responses before you get to the Opus side.
3. Keep an eye on your server logs for PHP errors.


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 Post subject: Re: mysql
PostPosted: July 22nd, 2016, 9:07 am 

Joined: January 23rd, 2006, 2:57 pm
Posts: 55
Location: Belfast
Opus: 9.5
OS: Win 7
System: i7 8G ram
Just seeing your post now, Cheers Mack.

For this message paulj has been thanked by : mackavi

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