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 Post subject: 'InternetPostData is not a function' error
PostPosted: May 21st, 2017, 2:14 pm 

Joined: August 22nd, 2005, 11:56 am
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Opus: Pro 9.75 (Build 16749)
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Hello all,

Have the following small Opus script code in my HTML5 web publication, but it doesn't seem to work due to an error!

var url = "";
var BaseObj = new Object();
BaseObj.Base_Country = "Country";
BaseObj.Base_Name = "Name";
var Base_Data = InternetPostData(url,BaseObj,true);

Can any one tel me why I get an "InternetPostData is not a function" error!?
Thought InternetPostData was a 'built in' function.

"World War II Allied Aircraft Crashes in the Netherlands & North Sea" (Made with Opus Pro 9.75), available via

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 Post subject: Re: 'InternetPostData is not a function' error
PostPosted: May 21st, 2017, 11:17 pm 
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Jan wrote:
Can any one tell me why I get an "InternetPostData is not a function" error!?

The action is built-in but the corresponding JavaScript function in opus.js is not called InternetPostData which is why any call to that fails.

If the action isn't cutting it, then the beauty of Opus HTML5 is you can use the full power of JavaScript and implement a full blown AJAX handler.


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 Post subject: Re: 'InternetPostData is not a function' error
PostPosted: May 22nd, 2017, 4:26 pm 

Joined: August 22nd, 2005, 11:56 am
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Hi Mack,

Thanks for the reply... I've had a look on the Internet for AJAX and JavaScript on how to accomplish all this, but as I am only a "simple hobby programmer", I can't figure out how to make it work. Perhaps you can give me a hint :wink:

What I want to do is the following...
When I click on a button on a page some variables must be sent (via POST) to a .PHP script on my web server and in response I'll have to get back a list of Latitudes and Longitudes which have to be put on a Google Map.
Have tested the script and this works OK!
At first I added a 'Post Web Data' Action to send and retrieve the data, and this works OK, but for just one Latitude and Longitude only... Could not figure out on how to put all the retrieved data into an array, so I therefor used an Opus script with InternetPostData, but as you already indicated that can't work.
OK, AJAX and JavaScript... Perhaps you can help 8)

These are the variables sent to the script:

And these are the variables sent back by the script:

They should be put into an array, as there are multiple Base_PosLat, Base_PosLon etc., so it can put it on a Google Map (have the that code already).

Hope you can give me a clue on how to get this all to work :)


"World War II Allied Aircraft Crashes in the Netherlands & North Sea" (Made with Opus Pro 9.75), available via

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 Post subject: Re: 'InternetPostData is not a function' error
PostPosted: May 23rd, 2017, 11:46 am 
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I think then it would be better to stick with the Post Web Action as this sounds more like it's the data that's the issue rather than better control of the process and you may be able to handle data another way.

How are you constructing and echoing the data return in your PHP?


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 Post subject: Re: 'InternetPostData is not a function' error
PostPosted: May 24th, 2017, 10:06 pm 

Joined: August 22nd, 2005, 11:56 am
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Hi Mack,

I know something is wrong, but I can't figure out how to handle the problem; have tried several things but nothing seems to work :(
OK, here is the PHP script that 'echoes' the data..


// Retrieve data from Opus
$Country = $_POST['Base_CountrySelected'];
$Location = $_POST['Base_LocationSelected'];
$Base = $_POST['Base_BaseSelected'];

// Connect to and retrieve data from the database
$sql = "<Query>";
$stmt = $conn -> prepare($sql);
$stmt -> bind_param('sss', $Country, $Location, $Base);
$stmt -> execute();
$stmt -> bind_result($Base_Lat, $Base_Lon, $USAAF, $RAF, $InUse);

while ($stmt -> fetch())
$BaseData .= "&Base_PosLat=" . $Base_Lat . "&Base_PosLon=" . $Base_Lon . "&Base_USAAF=" . $USAAF . "&Base_RAF=" . $RAF . "&Base_InUse=" . $InUse;
echo $BaseData;

// Close database connection
$stmt -> close();


Works OK (well, at least all data is retrieved from the database), when I view the script with my web browser, but can't figure out how Opus handles all the echoed data when I use the Post Web Data action.
Problem (for me) is that there must be a way to put the echoed data into an array or something, so that I can read the data from that array and put a marker on a Google Map (already have made the code for this and that works).

Well, I hope you have a "simple" solution; Must be simple as I've probably made some silly mistakes in my code :wink:

Greetings from Holland,

"World War II Allied Aircraft Crashes in the Netherlands & North Sea" (Made with Opus Pro 9.75), available via

For this message Jan has been thanked by : mackavi

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 Post subject: Re: 'InternetPostData is not a function' error
PostPosted: May 26th, 2017, 2:30 pm 
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Are you expecting your script to return a single row of data or multiple rows joined together?


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 Post subject: Re: 'InternetPostData is not a function' error
PostPosted: May 29th, 2017, 9:59 pm 

Joined: August 22nd, 2005, 11:56 am
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Hi Mack,

Sorry for the 'slight' delay in answering :wink:
When I view the 'result' of the script in my web browser, I get something like this... multiple rows!

etc. etc.

This has to be put into an array (or something else) in Opus so I can use it to read the variables Base_PosLat and Base_PosLon, and plot them on a Google Map....


"World War II Allied Aircraft Crashes in the Netherlands & North Sea" (Made with Opus Pro 9.75), available via

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 Post subject: Re: 'InternetPostData is not a function' error
PostPosted: May 30th, 2017, 9:02 pm 
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I think I must be misunderstanding something :?

Can I see this echo in action?


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 Post subject: Re: 'InternetPostData is not a function' error
PostPosted: May 31st, 2017, 9:15 pm 

Joined: August 22nd, 2005, 11:56 am
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Hi Mack,

Well, it's always difficult to put the things in writing which are "in my mind", but i'll give it another try :wink:

This is some of the code that I've put in Opus:

On Show

Run the following Javascript:
centerMap = new google.maps.LatLng(53.054763, 4.797715);
optionMap = {
zoom: 6,
center: centerMap,
MapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN,
streetViewControl: false,
scaleControl: false
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('frmMapD'), optionMap);

On Left Button Click

Post web data to the URL,
use as source the multiple fields: (Base_CountrySelected, Base_CountrySelected) (Base_LocationSelected, Base_LocationSelected) (Base_BaseSelected, Base_BaseSelected),
use as destination the multiple fields: (Base_InUse, Base_InUse) (Base_USAAF, Base_USAAF) (Base_RAF, Base_RAF) (Base_PosLon, Base_PosLon) (Base_PosLat, Base_PosLat)

Run the following JavaScript:
positionMarker = new google.maps.LatLng(_DWPub.Base_PosLat, _DWPub.Base_PosLon);
marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: positionMarker,
map: map

Show the object frmMap

This all works well with just one Lat/Lon coordinate, but what I want is that all Lat/Lon positions are marked on the map!
Of course I can modify the Javascript code in something like this...

for (var i=0; i < _DWPub.Base_Count; i++) {
positionMarker = new google.maps.LatLng(_DWPub.Base_PosLat[i], _DWPub.Base_PosLon[i]);
marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: positionMarker,
map: map

... and I presume this may work, but how do I get the list of data echoed from the PHP-script, into an array in Opus?

Hope it's more clear now... and if not, just blame it on me 8)


"World War II Allied Aircraft Crashes in the Netherlands & North Sea" (Made with Opus Pro 9.75), available via

For this message Jan has been thanked by : mackavi

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 Post subject: Re: 'InternetPostData is not a function' error
PostPosted: June 1st, 2017, 9:42 am 
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Okay, so I can see that all the rows are return to Opus as a single string but what I cannot figure out is why they are concatenated with a HTML Line Break character <BR>.

Your PHP...

while ($stmt -> fetch())
$BaseData .= "&Base_PosLat=" . $Base_Lat . "&Base_PosLon=" . $Base_Lon . "&Base_USAAF=" . $USAAF . "&Base_RAF=" . $RAF . "&Base_InUse=" . $InUse;
echo $BaseData;

..should simply concatenate the values right of $BaseData.= over and over for all returned rows. Where is the line break code coming from?


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 Post subject: Re: 'InternetPostData is not a function' error
PostPosted: June 1st, 2017, 3:50 pm 

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My mistake... Had added a <BR> to test some things and forgot to remove the line break... It's gone now and the code is as listed :wink:


"World War II Allied Aircraft Crashes in the Netherlands & North Sea" (Made with Opus Pro 9.75), available via

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 Post subject: Re: 'InternetPostData is not a function' error
PostPosted: June 1st, 2017, 5:29 pm 
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Okay, the solution may depend on how many rows of data you can expect to return. If it's a lot, then joining them into one long string might not work.

In which case you'll have to write a PHP script that returns just a count of the number of matches and then another that returns them one at a time using a loop in Opus.

If you think the return string will be okay, then you simply need to join each row with a specific marker - like you did with the Line Break. Something like a semicolon or pipe.

The return in Opus will just be to a single variable. You can then use the JavaScript split function to turn the string into an array full of the rows.

myArray = myString.split(";")

You can then continue to split the elements of that array to get the data pairs ("&") and split them again to get the individual values ("=") if necessary.

You may find it easier to adjust the $BaseData .= concatenation not to use the ampersand (&) as this is really for Opus to handle an object return.

Out of interest what is the code for the original OpusScript solution for handling multiple rows.


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