This is a good and timely explanation which many people will find useful.
When I first read this thread I wondered why I had never come across the problem you raised. It never even occurred to me that it could exist.
I have one pub with 1100+ pages. It has a main menu which links to 26 submenus. Each submenu has multiple links to specific pages within their alphabetic range. Every alpha page has from 1 to 20+ hyperlinks which let the user jump to other pages, from which they can make yet more jumps...
The most common movements made in this pub are
leaps from one page to another, with a real need to be able to
leap back from the target page to the launch page. For this reason, every page has a Previous Button.
Even with a large pub that encourages leaping from page to page, I have no reports of anyone encountering the 20-level limit, so on the strength of that, I'm going to stop worrying and forget I ever read this thread
I believe it unlikely that any user would want to browse through this pub -- it is just not built for that style of use. However, 30+ years of working with computers and customers has taught me that as soon as I make a decision that something isn't needed, you can bet that someone will prove that they can't live without it
So, I have Next and Back buttons on each page.
Because of the confusion between Previous and Back I include a comprehensive navigation button tutorial that explains this difference. So far so good with no problems reported.