There's a 'kiosk' mode for Internet Explorer on PC - don't know if it works for IE on Mac, as we use Firefox on our Macs. But it does not work with other browsers on PC.
A way to force a minimal window for most browsers is using Javascript - research the 'OnClick' and '' commands. But different browsers respond differently to this, mostly resulting in different sized windows, but sometimes including extra toolbars you didn't really want make sure you test with all likely browsers on your target machines.
An example of the Javascript method can be found here...
Click on "Deep Stillness" in the side menu, and then choose "Visit our place of Deep Stillness" from the page that appears. (You'll need Flash and Javascript installed to access these pages).
Sorry just re-read your question, and you probably know the Javascript method I described.
If you're delivering SWF, I would suggest make a 'projector' file for both Mac and PC ...these will run self-contained on each platform. 'Proper' Flash by Macromedia includes the ability to make these stand-alone projectors - but I suspect there will be 3rd party software somewhere that could take an Opus 'Flash' file and produce a stand-alone.
Rob Kirkwood