Hello Dave,
An API for Flex would provide the following development:
Menu Maker
For instance, a menu object could be created which would incllude an admin panel for the user. You would place all relevant information in a form about a news item or movie, for example. Within each form you would have "Date Activate" Date De-activate among other things.
The menus would be cascading (dropdown) or formated like a table of contents - templates would carry the format for this. No coding and all admin from a single point. The menus and content are dynamically served. The templates could also be designed with Flex.
Help TicketsSystem
A Help Ticket system would be intergrated for Flex to create screen templates and to add more functionality. All database connections would be available and ready to activate.
Chat Box Object (The creation of a Java Chat object)
Through the creation of snippets, you would be able to drop a Chat object within any page or make it apart of template. You would get ready-made templates. The Chat module would output to Flash and skins could be designed using the draw tool in Flex. Flex may also add more interactions to this package.
Forum Object
A complete forum template system which would include a private forum could be designed using the draw tool in Flex. All templates are designed with Flex and come ready made.
Object Creator
With the programming language of Flex and the extensible language of a development tool, you would be albe to create your own definable objects. This would allow the development of projects like "Black Board" or a collab project. Elements of the Forum or Help Ticket systems could be re-used for other applications.
Believe it or not, these are just a few ideas for extending the power of Flex.
Currently the eiProject and Databake are testing a menu package for Techsmith's Camtasia Studio produced movies. Databake creates the complete menu maker package.