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 Post subject: Execute and Wait
PostPosted: June 21st, 2005, 4:42 pm 

Joined: April 21st, 2005, 4:47 pm
Posts: 43
Location: Southampton, UK
In the app I'm building (Opus 5.0) one or more external apps, chosen by the user from a menu, will need to be launched in succession. Most of these are interactive and they will each require variable time to complete. It is important that they are run sequentially, that is, one completes before the next begins.

Within DemoShield, which we had been using until recently, there was a "Wait until application finishes" option within the Launch part of an action.

Is there any equivalent undocumented property in Opus?

Otherwise it would presumably require something like an ExecuteAndWait API call - well documented in VB script, but has anyone had any experience of doing this through Opus script? Many thanks.

A crack on the head / Is what you get for not asking
And a crack on the head / Is what you get for asking

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: June 21st, 2005, 6:48 pm 

Joined: October 25th, 2004, 12:32 pm
Posts: 397
Location: Digital Workshop
This is not currently possible in Opus, I will pass it on to our development team for future consideration.

Brenden Knifton

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: June 22nd, 2005, 12:22 am 

Joined: October 25th, 2004, 1:03 pm
Posts: 74
Location: Sydney Australia
It may be possible if you have control of the external apps as well.
Have the external app write to the registry just before quiting. Opus can be checking the registry, thereby knowing when the app is finished.

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 Post subject: Agreed
PostPosted: June 22nd, 2005, 2:10 am 

Joined: November 3rd, 2004, 12:58 pm
Posts: 230
Location: Australia
Yes, I agree with SWAN it may be possible if you have full control of the apps you want to launch.


German Silva
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: June 22nd, 2005, 8:56 am 

Joined: April 21st, 2005, 4:47 pm
Posts: 43
Location: Southampton, UK
These apps are all .msi installations, so in the first instance I can poll the registry for the new uninstall keys. Unfortunately this may have some pitfalls (some installs do further actions after the key is written). In the longer term we will probably write an external .exe to control these more precicely - unless of course DW beats us to it!

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