Hello All !
I am not an expert on Flex but I have always had a problem when playing swf movies within an Opus publication. With older versions of Flex I have found that I had to wait until the swf publication had completely downloaded before the Opus script would work correctly. With this version I get the impression that it is the Opus swf that needs to download first completely before it works completely, rather than the movie.
If you look at this page, you will see that it incorporates a swf movie (encoded using Wildform software) within an Opus publication. The movie is 2548 ko while the Opus swf is only 127 ko (there are several pages). If the cache is empty, the movie will start to play immediately, then restarts a few seconds later (presumably when the Opus swf has downloaded and begins its instructions). I have a 7 Mo DSL connection so this delay will obviously vary according to connection speed.
The way around the problem I guess would be to get the movie downloaded 'silently' or 'invisably' somewhere and then show it.
Or does anyone have any other ideas ?? !
(I am using the evaluation version of the Opus Pro 5 (not XE))
Here is an example of the older version of Flex with Opus 2.81 and how the 'independant' swf movie could interfere with Opus. At the time DW said that Opus did not support separate swf files. If you click on the first link, you will probably find that the buttons block when the video is shown so that it is not longer to advance in the program.
But, if you clear the cache again, and go to this second link, I got the movie to download 'secretly' in a normal html page and when it had downloaded to the cache fully, provided a button for the user to continue to the Opus program. This time the buttons worked correctly and allowed the user to continue in the program as intended.