This solution assumes you are setting up your Flex subpubs as "pages" of your whole presentation. It also assumes you are displaying through a browser. It also assumes that probably some other bright fellow can come up with a better/easier solution.
Create a container HTML page with an IFRAME element the same width and size of your Flex pubs. The source for this IFRAME will be your first flex pub (i.e., page1.swf).
<iframe id="timer" src="page1.swf" style="width:520px;height:340px"></iframe>
Put two buttons at the top or bottom of this iframe to control navigation. These will either go back or forward to the next Flex pub by changing the IFRAME's source to a new Flex pubname.
<button onclick="goback()">CLICK ME</button> <button onclick="gofwd()">CLICK ME</button>
Functions for these codes would go in a javascript section in the HEAD of your HTML page.
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
var cntr=0;
var moviename= new Array ()
function goback()
if (cntr!=0){
mvnm = document.getElementById("timer");
else {
mvnm = document.getElementById("timer");
function gofwd()
if (cntr!=moviename.length){
mvnm = document.getElementById("timer");
else {
mvnm = document.getElementById("timer");
You create an array of all of your Flex pubs (moviename[x]), and then using the counter and the functions determine where you are at and the button will change the source to either the previous or next movie in the moviename array.
I have tested this out on IE 6, Firefox, and Opera and it works. Not tremendous, but like I said, I'm sure someone else has a better idea.
THe other idea I can think of off the top of my head is to use a controlling Flash file with a sprite containing your first Flex pub movie and then do something similar but it would all be self-contained in Flash. The drawback is you would need to have Flash or some Flash generating application to be able to create the container movie.
Hope this helps, and feel free to ask questions.