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 Post subject: multi dimensional arrays
PostPosted: December 5th, 2005, 7:45 pm 

Joined: January 16th, 2005, 4:32 pm
Posts: 5
Location: Lancashire, UK
I've just picked up this package.
I can't get a script to handle multi-dimesional arrays.
Am I missing something?

For this message kenlee has been thanked by : mackavi

 Post subject:
PostPosted: December 5th, 2005, 10:38 pm 

Joined: November 11th, 2004, 4:05 am
Posts: 636
Location: Christchurch, NZ
yeah -- you're missing something -- information that will enable someone to help you.
"I can't get a script to handle multi-dimesional arrays. " doesn't tell us much.
Try posting an example that you are having trouble with.


For this message Paul has been thanked by : mackavi

 Post subject: multi dimensional arrays
PostPosted: December 6th, 2005, 10:32 am 

Joined: January 16th, 2005, 4:32 pm
Posts: 5
Location: Lancashire, UK
What I don't miss are people with the attitude of our antipodean friend. Perhaps I should make my next project about interpersonal skills and send a free copy.
I also perhaps miss the fact I'm not talking to programmers.

For this message kenlee has been thanked by : mackavi

 Post subject:
PostPosted: December 6th, 2005, 1:46 pm 

Joined: October 26th, 2004, 1:26 pm
Posts: 262
Hi Kenlee,

Paul is a highly valued asset to this forum and helping users. His experience in Script is outstanding.:!::!:

It's very unlikely his reply was to come across as you responded. The problem is there have been too many posts on the forum in the past, with the user's asking questions... but we need more information or an example IMP file. Even some script code into how they are attempting to solve their problem is useful.

Myself... I'm not well experienced at OpusScript, so I understand your query and possibly not knowing where to start? However if you can give some example on what you're tackling, or a little more feedback, it will be helpful as there are many forum users with good experience willing to help you -- Paul bing one of them. ;)
(let us know what version of Opus you are using too)

Welcome the the forum!!...on this forum even the DW programmers reply to questions when they can. :D


For this message Steve H has been thanked by : mackavi

 Post subject:
PostPosted: December 6th, 2005, 3:00 pm 

Joined: January 16th, 2005, 4:32 pm
Posts: 5
Location: Lancashire, UK
A simple question about will Opus handle multi-dimensional arrays, looking for simple response, did not justify such a rude response.

What a way to welcome a newcomer! Perhaps I'm better leaving you on your own and starting an alternative forum.

Questions usually produce answers?

In my experience skills and knowledge are valued on the basis of what you do with them not for simply having them. So far, the forum has provided me with nothing valuable.

I do not want other people to write my code. I simply hoped that someone could answer a simple question and suggest a work around if indeed Opus cannot handle such basic structures. If anybody is interested I am writing direct file access procedures for maintaining multiple test results between sessions and I cannot specify a database for a specific - and very odd - reason.

Topic ends.

For this message kenlee has been thanked by : mackavi

 Post subject:
PostPosted: December 6th, 2005, 4:49 pm 

Joined: November 11th, 2004, 1:43 pm
Posts: 172
Location: Buckinghamshire, UK
Save yourself the time and go elsewhere, the little knowledge around here is appreciated, maybe we don't want to build the next big thing around here but no one is complaning, if you need bigger things, search, search elsewhere...
Programmer my foot......!!!!!

For this message eomc40 has been thanked by : mackavi

 Post subject:
PostPosted: December 6th, 2005, 6:39 pm 

Joined: October 26th, 2004, 10:23 am
Posts: 666
Location: Digital Workshop
Would all users, new and old alike, kindly treat each other with respect? We really don't want to start deleting posts...

If you want help, describing your problem fully does help. Asking for that information politely also helps.

Regarding multidimensional arrays; just create arrays of arrays (which is what multidimensional arrays are) - like this:
var myArray = new Array(2);
myArray[0] = new Array(2);
myArray[1] = new Array(2);

myArray[0][0] = "bob";
myArray[0][1] = "jim";
myArray[1][0] = "steve";
myArray[1][1] = "dave";

Debug.trace( myArray[0][0] + "\n" )
Debug.trace( myArray[0][1] + "\n" )
Debug.trace( myArray[1][0] + "\n" )
Debug.trace( myArray[1][1] + "\n" )

ddww Opus Developer

For this message Duncan Lilly has been thanked by : mackavi

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 Post subject: offense should not have been taken
PostPosted: December 6th, 2005, 7:30 pm 

Joined: November 11th, 2004, 4:05 am
Posts: 636
Location: Christchurch, NZ
Where I come from, my comments wouldn't have offended anyone, and I am surprised at your response.
My post might be a little blunt for you -- but it was not rude, at least from my point of view -- and it was not intended to be.


For this message Paul has been thanked by : mackavi

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