Hi Emma,
Did you read my reply to you on the previous thread? Did my IMP sample file work for you?
Take Paul's advice and send a small sample of your publication. If your publication content is private, then simply create a mock-up sample (like my IMP file), demonstrating your problem. I have a feeling you are inadvertently doing something wrong with your settings, or the way you are using Chapters.
Emma wrote:
<<" I'll have to resize all of my pages to full screen" >>
What do you mean "all of my pages"? -- How many Chapters have you got?
There is another option for you to consider... -- redesign your pub in 800 x 600 page size mode. Then have the resize option ticked, so it will stretch-to-fit 1024 x 768. There is also an option of "Force Screen res" and also "Auto-Scroll", but we won't get into that yet!!
Opus is so very versatile and powerful, that something should be exactly suitable for you.
It will be good when you can supply a sample.
Good luck!!
(if you can't for some reason, then try and give us more info on how many chapters, etc and how your pub is structured)