I have a situation with vertical scrollbars attached to objects in Opus Pro 4.
A scanned image (.jpg) of a newspaper column is too long to show on one screen so I set its display option as "fixed" to enable the user to see the text full size. By adding a vertical scrollbar they can read down the rest of the image full size also. This works well and duplicated pages work well also. However, when I change the image in a duplicated page to a different newspaper cutting (another .jpg), the "thumb" in the scrollbar becomes full length and locks up! I notice that if I preview the publication starting in the duplicated page, it works. But if I use a backwards button to go back to the original page in preview mode, the original page's scrollbar then does
not work.
Finally, after publication, neither page's objects will scroll! If I remove the thumbs in the scrollbars, thereby forcing the reader to use just the up/down arrows, everything is fine but that is not how it should be.
I believe I solve the problem when I remove the checks for "proportional thumb" on the scrollbar menu for both pages

but this does not make sense to me

NB. A search of this forum has found a similar problem described but without a satisfactory reply.
The situation does not exist in an earlier version of Opus (2001 21:15:28 ) but is repeated in Opus Presenter 04.
I guess my question is, am I missing something here

or is it just an anomaly on the programme
I would really like to hear someone's thoughts on this please.