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 Post subject: Month as a NUMBER
PostPosted: December 24th, 2006, 6:43 pm 

Joined: October 25th, 2004, 2:20 pm
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Location: Naperville, Illinois (USA)
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Using system variables, you can create a date, BUT if you want it to include the current month as a number (e.g. December = 12) then you have to create a Select - Case Action which converts what OPUS returns from SYSTEM_TIME_MONTH (e.g. Dec for December) into the correct number (e.g. 12).

I'm hoping it would be easy for the brilliant OPUS programmers to create a new system variable called SYSTEM_TIME_MONTH_NUM which returns "12" when it's December, etc. Many times when you are simulating other software products or applications, they use the "all number format" (e.g. 12/24/2006) rather than "Dec 24, 2006."

While you are in there working "under the hood (bonnet)", it would be "nice" to also get a full "December" by creating a new variable (I'm suggesting SYSTEM_TIME_MONTH_FULL), and then create SYSTEM_TIME_DAY_FULL to return "Sunday".

Again, using Select - Case logic all of these names/numbers can be created in the current version of OPUS. It would make things simplier/easier for new users if they could just select these often used variables.

Fred Harms, Extraordinary Demos
Naperville, Illinois (USA) 630/904-3636

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