Sorry for the breif explanation Graham
I am trying to create a catalogue to be viewed on a TV. I wish to use the frames in the multiframe to show either images or film clips by using one frame per image/film clip with a brief description.
By using the features of multiframes I can then produce a slide show effect by setting timings between each frames.
This multiframe slideshow is then saved as a video file which when saved to DVD using an Authoring program can be viewed on the TV with the viewer using the TV remote control to pause/fast foward etc as required.
By using the multiframes feature instead of the slideshow feature I can spell check and design the screen within opus and not resort to using a seperate program.
I could create a seperate page for each image etc; but that would be more time consuming and also defeat the point of having multiframes.
Sadly until Opus Creator will recognise multiframes when saving to a Video file I will have to use the alternative methods.
Regards Durk